Monday, September 30, 2019

Reflection of Clinical Observation Experience Essay

I am a nursing student from Australian Catholic University. This role play is about the vital signs. Now, I am going to write a reflective write about the video of my role play of TPR which is a part of assignment and done by me and my other two friends. Firstly, in my video when I play a nurse role, first of all I asked about the patient’s condition such as how are you today. I also make the eye contact while taking to patient. But this is my first time to take vital signs. I found more challenging than my expectations while I communicate the patient. Verbal and nonverbal communication is a part of communication between patient and nurse. (Hamilton, 2007). But I forget to introduce myself to the patient. I realise that is my first mistake to communicate with patient. Secondly, I washed my hand properly before taking the patient vital signs. Alcohol based hand rub is simply most useful intervention in controlling infection (Australian commission on safety and quality in healthcare, 2009). When I go near to the patient I prepare each and every thing what nurses needed while taking vital signs. Such as patients recording file, pen and instrument for taking vital signs. Furthermore, before I start to check the patient I did make sure the she is the right patient or not which is written in her name, date of birth, MRN number and the doctor name in her hand band. I have always assumed that it is a simple process but I found that my expectation were far from my contract. Thirdly, I start to take the vital signs but before that I asked the permission from the patient. â€Å"Vital signs refer to the measurement of a patient’s temperature, pulse respiration and blood pressure. Vital signs commonly include temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate and respiratory rate which are used to access the most essential body function (Stomski, 2009). Firstly, I start from to take the patient’s temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate .and blood pressure and records in the patient’s file. However, while taking the blood pressure I have to support patient’s hand by pillow or hand which I forgot at that moment. After that mistake I determined I never do that mistake in my profession. Finally, when I finished taking the vital signs I appreciate to the patient thank you for your Participation. After finished my role play I realise participation word is not appropriate. Instead of that I have to say thank you for your cooperation. I feel this is the best way to communicate between nurse and patient. I have always believed that the elderly do very little with their time. I found a positive aspect about the elderly – even though they are old, the patients were creatively active by own choice which makes them busy and so they have happy existence. In the low care unit people were doing recreational work such as painting and stick picture and cartoon on the paper. I found health professionals were polite and friendly with the patients. I also found patience in the staff and the patient when they are communicating with each other. The health professionals encourage patients to speak and genuinely interested in client’s word and encourage them to converse. This interaction impressed me a lot and I learned a new lesson how to motivate people. I am glad I went on this field visit because it demonstrated to me many positive qualities – most importantly, the empathy that I will need to have in order to be a skilled and caring nurse. . Moreover, right patient, right place and right way of taking the vital signs is also part of nursing skills. Also comfortable between patient and nurse is very important. Reference Australian commission on safety and quality in healthcare. (2009). National Hand aaaaaaHygiene Program Aims To Halve Hospital Superbug Infections. Retrieve from aaaaa Hamilton, S.J., Martin, D.J. (2007). Clinical Development: A Framework for effective aaaaaacommunication skills. Nursing Times. Retrieved from aaaaaa Stomski,N (2009). Vital Signs. The Joanna Briggs Institute 25(3),1-5.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Martin Luther King Letter from Jail Essay

Martin Luther king believes that the only way to wipe away the injustices experienced within Birmingham City was through holding peaceful negotiations in order to resolve the issues amicably. In the article, â€Å"Ways of Meeting Oppression† by Martin Luther King Jr, tries to bring out Injustices and Oppression, which have been prevalent issues within our society. He believed that black Americans could win equal rights by peaceful means such as peaceful boycotts and marches. He always reminded Americans that their nation’s principles were justice, freedom and equality. Luther King’s argument for non-violent protest against the greater good of human beings may be the disobedience by the authorities, but as Erich Fronmon states in his essay â€Å"Disobedience is a psychological and Moral Problem†, that any act of disobedience against any inhuman law state is morally correct and is for the betterment of the human kind. In his speech â€Å"I have a dream†, He says that his nation will rise up to the true meaning of its creed†¦that all men treated equally. He believed that his children will live to the expectation of his dreams and that equality, both the white people and the black people would exercise fairness and justice. In Martin Luther King message â€Å"Struggle for Equality† in 1963 , he shared his dream of equality with the white Americans , like many other black American he was not treated properly they were forced to use separate al black schools, restaurants and stores. They had different entrances for the black people and certain parts of the nation denied the right to vote. Thus, the placing of laws was for the arising conditions, People needed awareness of such needs. Peaceful negotiations and boycotts held by Martin Luther and his staff paved way for the rapidly gained equality in their rights. In the letter to Birmingham jail, racial and education segregation are undermining goals to the hate inflicted upon the African American community. In the speech at the Great March on Detroit in 23 June 1963, held in Washington, King expound upon making â€Å"the American Dream a reality†. Following the letter from Birmingham jail he said that,† the Negro is no longer willing to accept racial segregation in any of its dimensions.† He considered segregation as wrong because it was a system of adultery, perpetuated by illicit intercourse between injustice and immorality. Educational segregation was one of the key issues that affected not only societal segregation in general but also the lives of the lives of the many black Americans. Most black schools were n’t funded well and as result, there was poor education among the students. This finally translated into the black people acquiring the worst jobs hence unable to afford the decent housing acquired by the white Americans. He continued struggling against segregation and with his aim, he went to Alabama and Birmingham city to watch the injustice practiced there. In order to conclude the many civil rights protest boycotts and demonstrations, there was reinforcement on segregation issues to those aware of it. Eventually it leads to the abolishment of segregation as law and through time changing racist attitudes altogether (Mendoza). In conclusion, the unjust law not only has inflicted pain and anguish among the black Americans but also but compelled them to total misery. Racial discrimination, hatred and education segregation are spring folds of the injustice practiced.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Detente – Was it successful?

However, the term D ©tenet simply means a loosening of tensions, which did happen ND therefore is it correct to say that it failed? D ©tenet certainly backed away from more incidents like the Cuban Missile Crisis happening once again, and cooperation increased between the powers significantly, therefore to a fairly large extent I don't agree that D ©tenet was a failure. The policy was often viewed as ‘soft' and it was criticized by many Americans because the aggressive Soviet Expansionism continued.On the other hand though, expansionism doesn't signify any failure, because D ©tenet was not a tool to stop communism from spreading like containment was, but a policy to reduce tensions, or this reason Soviet Expansion can't be seen as a factor for the failure' of D ©tenet to any extent. It was also viewed as a failure because not all of the policies worked, for instance the Helsinki Agreement of 1975 was an agreement based around human rights, it was completely dismissed by the USSR, who viewed it as a ‘scrap of paper and as a country they continued to suppress people.Moreover, other agreements had faults too, such as SALT 1 which failed to put caps on new advances of weapons and which only lasted for five years. To some extent these policies can be seen to have failed, yet despite these downfalls, as a whole we cannot view D ©tenet as a failure because there were positives to the policies, such as Increased communication which In turn reduced tensions – the alma of D ©tenet. Other people viewed D ©tenet as a failure because The Cold War continued afterwards; they wanted D ©tenet to end the war completely.Following the period of D ©tenet, the appointment of Ronald Reagan as president of America led to a period of the ‘Neo-cons', a group of people that hated communism and wanted to eliminate t. For this reason, the Cold War fired up again, and some people believe that because of this, the policy of D ©tenet was a failur e; however to a large extent this is untrue, because D ©tenet was never a promise to end the Cold War, and both the Americans and the Soviets were aware that it was not the end. D ©tenet was a promise to reduce tensions, which It did successfully to a great extent.On the other hand, when reviewing D ©tenet overall In relation to Its aim, It was incredibly successful. The policy of D ©tenet aimed to reduce tensions between the Missile Crisis, which put into perspective how easily the countries could destroy each other; MAD, mutually assured destruction was the name given to this realization. In terms of mutually assured destruction, d ©tenet was a positive thing; it increased communications for example through the use of the hotlist set up and these steps avoided further crisis.For this reason, D ©tenet was to no extent a failure. In addition, D ©tenet had other successes for both America and The Soviet Union. America were able to use D ©tenet as a tool to get out of Vietnam, which was positive n terms of its international relationships. Moreover, D ©tenet stopped the Soviet Union from feeling isolated by the relationship built up by China and America, which was positive because this in turn reduced tensions and increased communications – the overall aim.Finally, D ©tenet improved the economic situation in both America and The USSR after the arms race had taken it's toll, this was done by an increase in trade and technology across the iron curtain. All these factors were positive and the loosened tensions between the superpowers, therefore D ©tenet was without a doubt success in achieving its aim. In conclusion, it's obvious that D ©tenet did have many downfalls and for this reason many people instantly conclude that it was a failure.On the other hand, to a large extent D ©tenet achieved its purpose because many policies reduced the tension that was present. D ©tenet should not be seen to have failed due to the fact that the C old War continued, because that was not the intention of the policy. Overall, it's evident that d ©tenet was only a failure to a marginal extent because of the downfall of some of the agreements, yet to a significant extent, D ©tenet was a success.

Friday, September 27, 2019

CREATING OWN CULTURE Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CREATING OWN CULTURE - Term Paper Example The lifestyle of each individual in a certain community is usually a manifestation of their culture. Culture can manifest itself in art, language, literature, religion, moral values and other community activities. Due to different manifestation, culture has caused the diversity among people inhabiting parts of the world. In most cases, culture is shared and is continually passed on to different generations. One of the most significant cultures in the world is of the pastoral communities, specifically the Gasaile People. Their settlement is in the arid and semi-arid areas. Their culture is unique simply because of their pastoral way of life. For a long period, they have raised cattle and other domestic livestock like goats and sheep in the areas stated above. Due to this, they have been able to live side to side with many wild animals hence learning their ways of life. Law Among the Gasaile people, elders form the main ruling body whereby they decide on most matters that affect the co mmunity. The Gasaile elders have laws used for ruling of the community and in most cases settle disputes accordingly. Most of these laws are oral but have a great impact on the social lives of each Gasaile individual. Unlike in most communities where execution is a major part of the law, execution in Gasaile is unknown. Payment for breaking the law is mostly done with cattle simply because of their availability. The Gasaile culture also has a way of settling disputes that is recognized as the Amitu. It involves making peace by embarking on substantial apology. Religion Although the Gasaile people have complete respect for their elders, they have complete recognition of a supreme being called Engai. They have believed that their God is made up of a dual nature that is of a black God and red God; where The Black nature is compassionate and the red nature is revengeful. The Gasaile people have set aside a holy mountain where only a few people can speak to their God. These few people us ually have special gifts like healing, prophesying, divine calling and other unusual deeds. These deeds are communication of a chosen person by ancestors to mediate between the people and their God. However, it is important to note that the culture of the Gasaile people does not recognize these religious people in the political set. It is also essential to understand that despite technological add ups into the world setting, the Gasaile people have remained Monotheistic (Halm 49). Among the Gasaile people, the chosen person was given the title Laibon and was both the ritual and spiritual leaders of the society. He had the power to officiate and direct ceremonies, offer sacrifices, and provide advice to political elders. He was also a prophet, seer, and shaman and his authority was increased by their mystical and healing powers. The Gasaile community is quite large so leading the whole community is considered a challenge. For this reason, a few age group leaders who are usually chose n before circumcision aided them. It is believed that their God owned everything including their cattle. However, a separation divided the earth and the sky causing Engai to let all the cattle among the people. His reasons are not well known but some people believe that Engai understood that the cattle needed sustenance from grass. It is exciting to know that the elders show that these cattle came to the earth via aerial roots of the sacred trees referred to as wild fig trees. They believe that the Supreme Being commanded them to look after the cattle hence the reason as to why they became pastoralists. They believe that all other cultural activities other than being pastoralists are an insult to

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business ethics-the mcdonald's 'beef fries' controversy Essay

Business ethics-the mcdonald's 'beef fries' controversy - Essay Example How a company deals with past public issues, stakeholder issues and community concerns determines the employees’ perception of the importance of citizenship matters. Even though people in the West are basically non-vegetarian, America does have a good strength of vegetarians. Besides, there are many who avoid beef on ethical, religious or health grounds. These were ignored by McDonald’s when they decided to add beef flavoring agent when they started losing customers. According to Robinson (2002), ethics is a set of moral principles held by an individual or a group, encompassing individual behaviour, environmental policy, staff policy, and corporate social responsibility, which has gained importance recently. Demands of the shareholders, stakeholders and investors are forcing industries to maintain a high morality in how companies conduct business. Any deviation can adversely affect the brand image, customer retention, and overall business. McDonald’s initially declined to comment and then issued a ‘conditional apology’. As the people became more violent, the company kept changing their approach. This adversely affected their brand image. McDonald’s follows the ‘Code of Federal Regulations’ which does not require the restaurants to list the ingredients. The French fry suppliers do use a small amount of beef flavoring agent as an ingredient in the raw material. The ingredients in ‘natural flavorsâ€⠄¢ need not be broken down. This was their initial reaction but when there was an upsurge created, they reacted saying that they never claimed that the fries sold in US were vegetarian but this claim of theirs was also subsequently proved wrong. They went on the defensive instead. They were blamed for deceiving million of people who may not want to have beef extract in their fries for religious, health, ethical or other reasons. The Utilitarian and deontological perception on Kant on ethics is

Diversity Action Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Diversity Action Plan - Research Paper Example This is important because a diverse workforce without discrimination can influence substantially on the effectiveness and efficiency of a healthy and safe working environment along with that of multicultural interaction and communication directing the organization eventually to achieve higher competitive advantage. This paper briefly addresses the initiatives of the diversity action plan of Starbucks organization and tries to explain important issues regarding the challenges and opportunities caused by diversity. One of the most significant concerns for the organization is the current trends in population growth, which can impose direct impact on the organizational workforce while creating various advantages as well as challenges. The paper also looks into the consequences of population growth on workforce diversity. Starbucks Corporation is the largest coffeehouse company in the world with its retail stores all over the world. Starbucks provides its retail stores over 50 states in the United States alone and over 43 countries across the globe along with a long chain of company-operated and licensed stores (Starbucks Coffee). The Seattle-based organization envisions a diverse workforce that provides quality business services while maintaining a healthy working environment. As a global company, Starbucks believes in the concept of inclusion embracing differences and celebrating cultures. Diversity is a significant issue at Starbucks. The diversity action plan for the company emphasizes on all the relevant aspects of workplace diversity in order to meet and set new goals for an inclusive business. With higher value products and services, the organization is committed to providing environment-friendly working conditions, developing innovative and flexible solutions, and bringing up environmental leadership in all facets of business. Principles followed by the diversity plan of Starbucks are: Starbucks is a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The feasibility of different techniques for providing fresh water to Essay

The feasibility of different techniques for providing fresh water to arid regions of the world - Essay Example The shortage of freshwater sources, and the â€Å"need for additional water supplies is already critical in many arid regions of the world and will be increasingly important in the future† (Perlman 2011, p1). The availability of water just like the fossil energy sources is an important element in the determination of the world stability. Most of the arid regions lack freshwater supplies in forms such as lakes and rivers. The only available freshwater supply is the limited underground water sources; these sources are becoming brackish because of the continued abstraction of the water aquifers (Perlman 2011, p1). There are some techniques that can be used to provide freshwater in the arid regions of the world and they include; the exploitation of the brackish water, desalination, management of the aquifer recharge, harvesting rain water, and the construction of dams. Brackish groundwater contains chlorine levels ranging between 250 and 20,000 parts per million (ppm). The volume of brackish water is similar to that of freshwater but brackish water has received little attention. Food and water scarcity and new techniques of treatment technologies have forced people to reevaluate brackish groundwater (a neglected source of water) (International Hydrological Programme [IHP] 2005, p12). Brackish groundwater arises from the following; salt dissolution near the evaporative rocks, groundwater pollution, water evaporation, and seawater intrusion; these are as a result of the natural processes and they make up the larger brackish groundwater reservoirs. Brackish groundwater can occur in the coastal regions as well as in the semi-arid regions. Enhanced desalination techniques have enabled the production of freshwater water from the brackish groundwater; this form of desalination is economically feasible and very competitive compared to seawater desalinatio n. In the past decade, a number of water supply systems have become functional in areas such as Egypt and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

CASE STUDY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5

CASE STUDY - Essay Example The organization has expansive plans to increase the state coverage as well as the concentration of its services in the seven states. In this regard, the organization has set up new hospitals in the states and also has plans to set up more health facilities. An example is a proposal to construct a modern health facility at Fort Collins. The move is aimed at increasing Banner Health presence and also bringing quality healthcare closer to the people. Banner Health has partnered with institutions of higher learning to expand its services on cancer treatment (Banner Health, n.d). Specifically, Banner has engaged University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center to increase accessibility to cancer treatment for its patient. Under this partnership, Banner has built its cancer treatment center in Arizona. The organization has plans to increase its cancer treatment centers across the states where it has operations. The growth plan of Banner Health also includes opening of new health clinics in the country. The ANA anticipates that the demand for health care will increase significantly in the next decade. As such, bigger health institutions are likely to be overstretched. As such, clinics that are closer to the population are will be ideal for early detection and commencement of treatment. Also, clinics are important in primary care. The efforts to consider and address future needs makes Banner Health more prepared for future health needs. The American Nursing Organization has stipulated that the country will experience nurse shortage by 2020. The reason for the shortage includes lack of admission slots for new nursing students and nurse turnover. Banner health is cognizant of this issue. As a result, the Banner Center for Health Careers provides a long-term strategy of gathering details of qualified nurses and other medical professionals. The organization can then replace nurses from the pool or recruit new nurses

Monday, September 23, 2019

Effect of designation aliens ineligible for citizenship on Asian Research Paper

Effect of designation aliens ineligible for citizenship on Asian Americans before 1952 - Research Paper Example Immigrants to the United States were not always welcome, as they were subjected to a selective practice. America was considered a â€Å"melting pot’ for those who wanted to be assimilated in the American culture. This criteria later on created divisiveness, like those who entered through the Ellis Island were â€Å"whites† and those who passed Angel Island were Asians. Angel Island is a detention camp set up in San Francisco, California, wherein Chinese immigrants were detained for a distressful period of two years. Walter, Yvonne estimated that about 50,000 Chinese passed this island until 1940 for interrogation before they were allowed entry to US. In the Southwest, barbed wires were constructed to control the Mexican and South American immigrants. The composition of these immigrants defined what is called an American today. This composition is an indication of the process of immigration, and naturalization that led to a diverse population of the United States today, Suh-Yun Ahn argued in his work that Americanization is an arbitrary process that chooses only those they wanted to come to their shores. Suh-Yun Ahn recalled that both groups of immigrants had diverse treatments, but their trials were different. Although both groups suffered initial hardship, one group was perpetually called foreigners and identified as ineligible for citizenship. ... The conscious effort to exclude Asians is due to the US’ desire to create white identity, and therefore, considered it as a basic requirement for citizenship. Today, despite diversity of population, we could observe the white supremacy in the society whether through the political arena or in the density of population. But we should not forget the aggregate measures and the constructs that led to this white supremacy. All throughout, the legislations passed by Congress defined who belong, and who did not in an effort to create white identity. The first immigration law in the United States showed an impression of being racist. During the colonization and industrial revolution period, the United States encouraged settlers to America by offering land, work and citizenship. Black slaves and workers from China, Japan, Philippines, and India were brought to the Eastern shores to make up for the shortage of workers in the plantations and to hasten the colonization and industrial revol ution. The discovery of gold in California attracted many Chinese to try their luck. The Chinese were also forced to leave China because of poverty. Although their pay was lower than the whites, they were able to survive, and after being sojourns, later on considered immigration. Thus, in 1790, America had a diverse and ethnic background of people. This prompted the Congress to control immigration and had to pass a legislation that called for â€Å"A uniform standard for naturalization that allowed only white men to become citizens† (Walter, Yvonne,2007). This legislation automatically excluded the Asians and other colored immigrants from becoming citizens of America. By excluding other colored nationals, the law seems to

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Critical Analyis of John Locke, Hegel, and and John Stuart Mill Essay Example for Free

Critical Analyis of John Locke, Hegel, and and John Stuart Mill Essay Question 1:How does Locke prove that human beings have a natural right to private property? Answer (Book II chap V section 27): Humans have the right to private property because they are using their own labor in conjunction to take property from the state of nature and thus making it his own. By mixing his labor or his hands, which is an extent of himself, he is relating that property to him and no one else. When every we pour water into a glass, by using labor and our hands, we have the sole entitlement to the water. Question 2:How does human nature limit this right to property? Answer (Book II chap V section 31-32) Man has the right to use as much property as possible just as long as he finds away that is supports his life. Once he no longer finds ways to use his property for life, he has to give it up. To add to the limitations of property, Man can use as much property unless it is wasted and not good for the use of others. By wasting property, that persons is violating other peoples rights because human nature states that everyone has the an equal Question 3:How does Hegels abstract right define the relation between freedom, reason, and property? Answer: Question 4:How does Hegel prove that the abstract right to property necessarily involves relation to other persons? Answer: Question 5:Using your answer to the proceeding questions, identify exactly what distinguishes Lockes position on freedom and property from the way Hegels account of abstract right understands the same issue? Answer: Question 6:How does Hegels account of abstract right prove that right embodied in property necessarily violates the same right in other persons? Answer: Question 7:Using your answer to #6, explain why Locke is in no position to draw the same conclusion. Answer: Question 8:State in your own words Mills utility principle. Identify precisely how this principle introduces a tension between independent individuality and communal solidarity. Explain how this same tension appears in Locke and in Hegels abstract right. Answer:

Saturday, September 21, 2019

What Is The Concept Of Social Justice Social Work Essay

What Is The Concept Of Social Justice Social Work Essay There have been issues of inequality for centuries such as oppression, discrimination, and prejudices. The government has the task of making certain that those laws are set in place to protect those when conflicts of social justice arise But the government is a reflection of the majoritys will, so there has been and continues to be a struggle to achieve social justice in our society (Segal, 2010, p. 93). When it comes to social issues and or problems on behalf of society, individuals and society has a responsibility for the well-being of others. The development of social welfare programs and policies happens by responding when the problem already exists and by preventing the problem before it arises. Final Exam Essay Questions Our society as I see it has always been one that has appeared to be a nation concerned with the well-being of members of mainstream society, yet we have always had issues that embark on social justice and inequality for non-mainstream members of society. However we have had those individuals that were and are willing to battle for fairness, advocate and aid those that are in need, single handedly and as an assemblage effort such as the social work profession. As an inspiring social worker I ask, what is the concept of social justice? Moreover, why is it relevant to social work practice, which is responsible for a persons well-being an individual or society? In addition, I will show the differences between residual and institutional approaches to social welfare policy and programs, for these two models respond when the problem already exist and help prevent problems before they occur. . What is the Concept of Social Justice? And why it is Relevant to Social Work Practice As a member of a society, each member should have all the same rights, opportunities, and fairness within. The concept of social justice is society fairness. Social justice describes the level of fairness that exists in society (Segal, 2010, p.14). All members in society have the right to this level of fairness. The description, in which our society upholds social justice, unfortunately is not what we all live by. There have been issues of inequality for centuries such as oppression, discrimination, and prejudices. Fairness has not been our strongpoint among each other. The government has the task of making certain that those laws are set in place to protect those when conflicts of social justice arise with attaining fairness, same opportunities, and rights. But the government is a reflection of the majoritys will, so there has been and continues to be a struggle to achieve social justice in our society (Segal, 2010, p. 93). For this reason, social justice has been essential and relevant to social work practice. Social work practice will bring forward those who will advocate, and help to set policies in place to help protect, promote, and advance change for those individuals that struggle with having the same rights and basic human needs that all deserve to have as a member of society, Social workers should be aware of the impact of the politi-cal arena on practice and should advocate for changes in policy and legislation to improve social conditions in order to meet basic human needs and promote social justice (Segal, 2010, p. 70). Social work practice works towards changing social conditions, a crucial part of that change is taking the responsibility to improve the social welfare of our society. Who is Responsible for Peoples well-being Each Individual or Society? Who is responsible for peoples well-being, individuals, or society? The responsibility of a persons well-being is societies as well as in individual. As a member of society, we have social obligations when it comes to social issues and or problems on behalf of society. Community programs, religious institutions, for-profit and non-profit organizations are in the business of promoting and supporting the well-being of individuals as a person, however from a social work perspective some would beg to differ when it comes to a for-profit organization working toward the well-being of others for it is a private service. For-profit agencies focus is to profit from the services they provide and they provide it from a business principle, therefore even though an individual may need the service they possibly will not receive it if they cannot afford the cost of service. Their mission and the concern drive non-profit social services and care of those, they serve, despite the cost. From a social work perspective, this is ideal for anyone can get the service needed and knowingly the client is going to get the best care possible. In the Federal, state and local governments there are government agencies and social welfare programs in place to contend with the efforts with providing for the well-being of society, such as Social security, Medicaid and Medicare. As social work professionals, we have a mission that outlines public support and therefore the provision of social welfare services directly or in partnership with our government (Segal, 2010, p.89). Basic human needs such as housing, healthcare, and food are some of the biggest social issues in our society. At one time most of the social welfare services were in the private sector by the government. Yet many services, such as providing schools for children, including those with disabilities and metal issues cannot be services by a private sector. Many families are unable to afford the cost therefore public services are needed when it comes to the well-being of people, Much of the work done by public social service providers would not be done by private o rganizations ( Segal, 2010, p. 83). These social issues bring social welfare policies in to play, Social welfare programs are the product of social welfare policies (Segal, 2010, p. 3) When society does not take action to change issues and problems, that exists for people, then individuals step in and attempt to make the change come to pass. It will take individuals and society responsibility for the well-being of others, by public, private social services and through other ways and means. The values and beliefs of those who practice social work, is based on professional principles, ethics and driven by promoting social change for the betterment of social welfare of others and to promote the well-being of others by social welfare policies. What are the Differences between Residual and Intuitional Approaches to Social welfare policy? The development of social welfare programs and policies happens by responding when the problem already exist and preventing the problem before it arise, these two approaches is known as residual and intuitional approach. Members of our society confuse the term welfare; they see it as handicap-keeping individuals from moving forward and becoming productive and self-sufficient. The truth is social welfare is to help members in society by addressing their well-being in any area needed, not just monetary or providing food by a residual or intuitional approach, however there are differences between the two. Residual approach to social welfare policy is provided only when needs are not met by other institutions, families, religious institutions and is viewed as negative. When people are unable to address the problem themselves, then emergency assistance is given once the problem is identified. This is looked at as an individuals personal issue, not society as a whole. It is a means of intervention. It sees the poor as incompetent, second-class citizens and provides second-class services. The residual welfare is looked upon as the problem of the unfortunate classes through middle and upper class benevolence. An example of residual approach would be Work organizations primary function is employment and the social welfare service would be unemployment benefits, which are in the area of residual approach, for the unemployment is the existing problem yet it is only in place temporary, until a person can become employed or other means of financial support. Institutional approach to social welfare policy is proactive and no stigma is attached, for difficulty is bound to present itself for an individual, therefore it is looked upon as normal to need assistance. Social problems are rooted in social structure and hence planned social change, and seen as a normal and accepted way of fulfilling social needs. It is seen as a preventative effort to a persons well-being, set in place automatically for society as a whole. An example of intuitional would be national, regional and local government organization primary function mobilization and distribution of goods for collective goals has a social welfare function of anti poverty, economic security, health, education such as government scholarship programs and subsidizes for housing which falls into the area of preventive services. If we looked at the residual and intuitional approach of social welfare policy by a universal and selective approach, selectively only those who would fall into the criteria needed to qualify for services would be provided therefore even though an individual may need the service now they would not receive it. For this can lead to a permanent problem for an individual. Universally any and everyone would receive the service, which would prevent problems for society. Conclusion Social work practice works towards changing social conditions, a crucial part of that change is taking the responsibility to improve the social welfare of our society and individuals. Members of society have social obligations when it comes to social issues and or problems on behalf of society. Social welfare policies and programs are societys safety net, provide a way to set preventions and interventions in place to help and protect those in need. In order to receive you have to be willing to give, and to help one another collectively and individually.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Customer Satisfaction in Shopping Centre

Customer Satisfaction in Shopping Centre In the previous chapter, secondary data such as books, journals and online journals are used to conduct the literature review. In this chapter, primary data is collected through the case study. This chapter will cover the research framework consists of research purpose, research method, sampling method, research instrument and information collected from the case study. The analysis of the data is discussed in the next chapter. This case study is conducted for the purpose of investigating the level of customer satisfaction of the local customers towards the performance of a shopping centre. Mid valley megamall is chosen as the subject in case study. The time frame for the whole research is 1 month. RESEARCH FRAMEWORK: First of all, the measurement objectives must be specified in order to simplify the research process. Basically, there are four types of customer satisfaction survey which is based on the measurement objectives of the research (Vavra, 2002). Since this research is used to investigate the level of performance of a shopping centre from the customers satisfaction in general, thus, it is known as overall status survey. According to Vavra, overall status survey is emphasized more on the general issues, overall performance, and overall customers satisfaction. (2002). RESEARCH METHOD AND PURPOSE: This research is conducted using quantitative research method. From the customer satisfaction survey, the research information collected from the sample is the primary data. The aim of this study is to investigate the level of customers satisfaction in a shopping centre, to identify the actual need of customers through the distribution of questionnaires to the sample and to clarify whether the performance meet the customers expectations. POPULATION AND SAMPLING METHOD: Sampling method is a method of choosing a group of peoples from the entire target population in order to obtain the required information. Basically, there are two types of sampling designs: probability and non-probability. This research has adopted non probability sampling technique which is most suitable for a widely dispersed population such as the customers of Mid Valley Megamall. It is impossible to use the probability sampling method for this research due to the difficulty in identifies the target populations as it is too large for research. The sample is selected to estimate the gross results because less cost and time required and the sample is easily obtained while compared with the probability sampling technique. The target populations for this research are the Malaysian customers of Mid Valley Megamall and the sample is limited to adult from 18 to 50 years old. This sample is chosen because these groups of person visit the shopping mall more frequently than other demographic profile. The sample size of 100 customers ranged from 18 to 50 years old is considered as representative of Malaysian customers of Mid Valley Megamall. DESIGN OF QUESTIONNAIRE: Questionnaire is used as research instrument for this study. The questionnaires are prepared according to the objectives which set up at the beginning. In order to obtain better response from the sample, the questionnaires are designed to be simple and easy to be understood. If the length of the questionnaires is too long, it will affect the rate of response. According to Vavra, there are four types of question can be collected, namely facts, attitudes, prediction behavior and demographics. (2002). Diversified types of question are more interesting for the customers. The questionnaire consists of three sections. The first section is about the demographic profile of the respondent. The objective is to know the respondents background. The second section is about the general information regarding the relationship between the respondents and the shopping mall. Besides, it is used to identify the actual need of the customers. The third section is about the investigation on the level of satisfaction of the customers from the sample chosen towards the location, product performance, staff, building layout, infrastructure and facilities provided in the shopping mall. This section is important in determine whether the shopping mall meet the requirements of the customers. Furthermore, it includes the recommendations from the customers in order to help the shopping mall to enhance their performance in the future. SCALE: For the questionnaire, every question has its own response options such as open-ended response and close-ended response. Open-ended questions require the opinions of the customers regarding the overall performance of the shopping mall. Close-ended questions are more efficient and quantifiable because it consists of numeric scales which used by the customers to express their feelings in a simple way. The scale is known as Likert Scale. The 5-point numerical scale is adopted which ranging from 1 to 5, 1 represents not satisfied, 2 represents somewhat dissatisfied, 3 represents neither satisfied or dissatisfied, 4 represents somewhat satisfied and 5 represents strongly satisfied. The scale help the respondents to make a clear decision based on their level of satisfaction. DISTRIBUTION METHOD: Distribution method also known as field method and it defined as the way used by the interviewer to distribute the questionnaires to the sample. The questionnaires in research are distributed to the customers personally at the Mid Valley Megamall and at the same time they return the questionnaires. CASE STUDY: MID VALLEY MEGAMALL: BACKGROUND: Mid Valley Megamall is one of the Malaysias largest urban development projects in the world. It was one of the projects inside the Mid Valley City. Mid Valley City desires to be the most modern and integrated mixed-use developments in the world. The construction starts in year 1995. At present, it comprises Mid Valley Megamall, Cititel Hotel, Menara IGB, Boulevard Offices, Boulevard Hotel, Northpoint Mid Valley City, Centrepoint North and South Towers, The Gardens Retail Gallery, The Gardens Hotel, The Gardens Residences and two landmark office towers. IGB Corporation Berhad, a property and investment holding company listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad is the developer of Mid Valley City while the Mid Valley Megamall is owned and operated by Kris Assets Holdings Berhad, a listed IGB subsidiary company. A two dimension master plan of Mid Valley City is enclosed in appendix. DESCRIPTIONS OF MID VALLEY MEGAMALL: Mid Valley Megamall is selected for the case study. Mid Valley Megamall is launched in year 1995 and it was opened in November 1999. Mid Valley Megamall is a complex consists of a shopping mall, an office tower block, 30 signature offices and two hotels. It is the first shopping mall comprises four successful anchor tenants, namely Jaya Jusco, Metrojaya, Carrefour and Golden Screen Cinemas. Besides, it comprises 13 junior and mini anchors and 403 specialty shops. Mid Valley Megamall has a gross floor area of 4.5 million square feet and net lettable area exceeds 1.7 million square feet. Mid Valley City is planned and developed as a City in a CityMid Valley Megamall is a key part of Mid Valley City. It was awarded the Best Shopping Complex Award 2000 by Tourism Malaysia and Best Retail Development Award 2001 by FIABCI Malaysia (International Real Estate Federation). Mid Valley Megamall is a good choice for the local residents and foreign tourists. MISSION AND VISION: Mid Valley Megamall is aimed to fulfilling everyones needs. In order to achieve the mission, the highly energetic and talented professionals are appointed in departments. In fact, Mid Valley Megamall emphasizes on their service standard and it wishes to create a modern and stylish shopping paradise for their customers. As long as the customers are in the Mid Valley Megamall, they will make sure everyone enjoy the services and products provided. Besides, Mid Valley Megamall aims to maintain the growth of the shopping mall in the competitive retail industry. FACTORS INFLUENCE THE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION: LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY: Mid Valley Megamall is strategically located between Kuala Lumpur Central Business District and Petaling Jaya. It is located in a convenient location that can be easily accessible from all corners on the Klang Valley. Besides it is surrounded by Petaling Jaya, Bangsar and Damansara. There is a KTM Komuter train-stop and a LRT Station nearby while taxis are available at the entrances of Centre, North and South Courts. The KTM commuter station can be accessed through a covered pedestrian bridge to the Megamall. Its believed to bring an average of 10,000 passengers each day. The station is disable-friendly, and facilities comprise toilets, lifts, covered platforms, ticket and information counters and ticket vending machines. Furthermore, Mid Valley has offers free complimentary shutter bus services (Trinton Bus) at an interval of 30 minutes to 1 hour that travel between Bangsar LRT Station and Mid Valley South Court. Other option of transportation is the public transport available. Mid Valley Megamall can be accessed through five major highways and two railway lines. In the future, the improvement of road and public transportation will be done. It includes a designated monorail station, a link bridge to the Putra LRT Station and the upgrading of internal traffic flow. Being located in between Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, an amount of RM250 million was invested in constructing a flyover and enhance the network of road for the purpose to connect the Federal Highway and all the major catchment and residential suburbs or businesses premises within Klang Valley to Mid Valley Megamall. The location plan is enclosed in appendix X. Meanwhile, the location of the department stores is also very important for the convenient of the customers. NFRASTRUCTURES AND FACILITIES: Mid Valley consists of four entrances located at the direction of east, south, north and west respectively. Information Counters are available in Centre, North and South Court at ground floor. They are willing to assist those customers by showing a helpful attitude. In terms of car parking, Mid Valley is provided 4000 car parks in order to cater the need of high crowd during peak hours. Effective from 5 May 2008, the basement car parks of Mid Valley Megamall The Gardens Mall were separated where the car parks for Mid Valley Megamall are zones A and C. The exact location of the parking area is shown in the plan enclosed in appendix. Besides, Mid Valley Megamall also provides washrooms and baby changing facilities. The washrooms provided for the benefit of all the customers while the baby changing facilities are provided for the benefit of a mother. In addition, Mid Valley Megamall is comprises five lifts which enable the customers to travel from floor to floor. Escalators also available at East, South and North Court and there are two travelators that connecting the lower ground floor with basement which is very convenient for the customers. A proper floor plan is enclosed in appendix for further clarification of the exact location for the facilities and infrastructures. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: Mid Valley consists of five floors where each floor is specifying for certain products and services. Lower ground floor is for daily essentials such as hypermarket, supermarket, pharmacies and money-changers. Besides, this floor is providing a numerous fast food outlet and local delights. Ground floor is mainly for the adults which include the apparel, footwear, accessories, beauty care, health care, bookstore and others essential items that fulfill the desires of an adult. First floor is the paradise for a kid, which include the fashion for kids, beauty and hair saloons for the adults. Second floor is specialized for those who wish to decorate their house. Besides, IT Centre is also available in this floor to cater the need of young generation in the ever changing technology of the world. Third floor is for entertainment such as Golden Screen Cinemas, Mid Valley Exhibition Centre, Pets Wonderland, Cosmic Bowl, Megakidz and a food court. Besides the products, the proper display area also being taken into consideration in order to be easily accessible by the customer. Mid valley is able to stimulate customers to spend more time and money in Mid Valley through the visual display merchandising. The store directory: PERFORMANCE MONITORING IN A SHOPPING CENTER BASED ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CHAPTER THREE: Anchors. Accessories. Apparel. Discounters. Entertainment. Exhibition/ Property Showroom. Food and Beverage. Health/ Personal Care. Houseware and Furnishings. Information Technology. Jewellery. Leisure. Luggage. Shoes and Bags. Sporting Goods and Apparel. Sundry and Services. Tailoring. Textile. Watches and Pens. PERFORMANCE MONITORING IN A SHOPPING CENTER BASED ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CHAPTER THREE: Mid Valley Megamall also provides certain services for the convenience of the customers. The services provided: PERFORMANCE MONITORING IN A SHOPPING CENTER BASED ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CHAPTER THREE: ATMs. Banks. Cobbler. Laundrette. Money Changers. Post Office. Alteration Shop. Clinic. Dentist. Locksmith. Newstands. Print Shop. PERFORMANCE MONITORING IN A SHOPPING CENTER BASED ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CHAPTER THREE: STAFF: In addition, Mid Valley Megamall is continually investing in a comprehensive staff training and skills development programme which aimed at improving both the soft and hard skills of the staff and enable them to perform their responsibilities in a right manner. The quality and attitude of the staffs will be indirectly affecting the level of customer satisfaction towards Mid Valley Megamall. The important qualities of the staffs are friendliness, helpfulness, communication skill and responsiveness. BUILDING LAYOUT: Challenge of the management team of Mid Valley Megamall is to ensure the customers willing to visit Mid Valley Megamall repeatedly. Mid Valley Megamall is a customer-centric shopping centre which offers best and wide range of services. It is operated by an experienced team of industry experts to ensure the innovative marketing and leasing initiatives. Besides, Mid Valley Megamall was invested over millions in comprehensive store renovation and upgrading activities in order to improve and enhance the malls environment. In terms of marketing, Mid Valley Megamall has planned the promotion aggressively with the mission to provide the delightful shopping experience to the shoppers. In order to bring excitement and hour of enjoyment to the shoppers, visual merchandising are used in creating a unique atmosphere for the public and enhance the competitiveness of Mid Valley Megamall. The marketing and promotional activities are supported by themed and strong-concept in-house events throughout the mall such as Mid Valley Megamall Fashion Week 2009 which introduce the hottest spring or summer collections through the fabulous design and chic runway shows. This show is designated for the fashion lover. During different festivals such as Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Merry Christmas celebration, Mid Valley Megamall will decorate the centre court into atmosphere with unique and attractive theme. Mid Valley Megamall was the only shopping mall in Asia that achieved international recognition in MAXI Awards ceremony held in Hollywood last year. This award is organized by International Council of Shopping Centres. For the Hari Raya celebration 2008, Mid Valley Megamall themed as Cherish The Good Old Days in a Brand New Way that create a harmony atmosphere. This unique theme help Mid Valley Megamall won in the Visual Merchandising category of the MAXI Award. SUMMARY: This chapter has discussed about the research process which include the research framework, research method and purpose, population of questionnaire, the scale for the questions and distributing method. A case study in Mid Valley Megamall has been discussed in this chapter; it includes the background, description, mission and vision of Mid Valley Megamall. Furthermore, the factors that influences the customer satisfaction being discussed for the case study of Mid Valley Megamall. The factors are location and accessibility, infrastructure and facilities, product and services, staff and building layout.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Google Culture Essay -- Business Management

Introduction Google was created in 1998 due to the need for a more efficient Search Engine. Actually Google is one of the most successful internet based companies since the booming of â€Å"dotcoms† in the late 1990s and remains a leader. This success is based on its great organisational practices and core competencies. Google ´s success is not only in its technology and the functionality of its product; it ´s also in its aggressive ability to get profits innovating, which is critical to their workforce because it operates in a global market. Through innovations, Google has expanded its services and features. Google today is no longer a search engine company but a web computing Applications Company. This innovative capability, the integrated process and a supportive culture creates the actual sustainable competitive advantage of Google. The focus of this study will be on that very culture that has allowed Google to become the giant it is today. From a garage start up to a company earning billions in revenue, Google has managed to maintain its charm. Google offers the perfect environment for its workforce where communication, respect and freedom are the reigning principles. The company is well known for its informal organization and flexible schedule, however there's a lot more to what is seen on the surface, as we delve into the inner make up of the Google Culture. The Google Culture Google's corporate culture is based on a number of principles that lay in the foundation of the company's success. First of all, members of the Google workplace are seen as equals. Of course for organizational purposes there are managers and those they manage, but this doesn't create any kind of barriers as communication flows swiftly back and forth and... ...e and the effort of staying true to important values that lie at the heart of the organization, Google should be able to move forward with as much grace as it has done in the past. Googlers are at the end of the day what drives the company along, thus keeping a strong and united workforce would be integral elements for Google to maintain its focus on. It's of utmost importance for the company to carefully manage its overseas offices, in order to avoid an internal breakup due to the diversity between them. This should be taken care of by communicating a clear set of values that are present in any culture across the world. This basis of the corporate culture would thus be a linking element despite racial differences. Works Cited

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Challenger Disaster :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Challenger Disaster It was on January 28, 1986 at 11:38 A.M. that the shuttle Challenger, NASA flight 51-L, the twenty-fifth shuttle flight, took off. It was the "Teacher in Space" mission. At lift-off, the temperature at ground level was 36Â ° Fahrenheit, which was 15Â ° Fahrenheit cooler than any previous launch by NASA. It was the Challenger's tenth flight. Take-off had been delayed several times. Finally the shuttle had taken off. The shuttle had climbed high in the sky thirty-five seconds after take-off, and it was getting hit by strong winds. The on board computers were making continuous adjustments so the shuttle would stay on course. About eight miles in the air, about seventy-two seconds after take-off, people watched in fear and horror as the shuttle was engulfed by a huge fire ball. All the crew members were killed instantly. Engineers and scientists began trying to find what went wrong almost right away. They studied the film of the take-off. When they studied the film, they noticed a small jet of flame coming from inside the casing for one of the rocket boosters. The flame got bigger and bigger. It started to touch a strut that connected the booster to the big fuel tank attached to the space shuttle. About two or three seconds later, hydrogen began leaking from the gigantic fuel tank. About seventy-two seconds after take-off, the hydrogen caught on fire and the booster swung around. That punctured the fuel tank, which caused a big explosion. Even though people knew what had happened, they didn't know why it had happened. Gradually people found the answer. Here's why it happened: the rocket booster's casing was made in different sections. These sections were attached to each other and sealed together with o-rings-rubber rings. The o-rings were held in their places by the pressure of the hot gasses, which were from the rocket booster after it was ignited. On previous missions of the Challenger, the o-rings were found to be worn away by the hot gasses. The o-rings had been tested and the results had shown that the o-rings were a lot more likely to fail in cold or freezing weather. That was what happened on the cold morning of January 28, 1986. The people on board the shuttle on January 28, 1986 were Lieutenant Ellison Onizuka, an Air Force Officer; Commander Michael Smith, a Navy officer; Christa McAuliffe, a high-school teacher in New Hampshire; Dick Scobe, a Navy officer; Greg Jarvis, an engineer; Judy Resnik, an astronaut; and Ronald McNair, an astronaut.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Travel Agency Strategy

H Travel Agency Strategy Plan February 25, 2013 This paper will look at the challenges that the travel agency is facing, detailing a plan for change based on observations of challenges that the HR department is facing. Using metrics to explain change and how they can assist senior management during the planning process. Furthermore there will be an outline for the determination of the HR strategic plan combined with methods for the recruitment and selection methods. The details provided should help in assisting the travel agency overcome their challenges with a new plan to help them grow and become a formidable opponent to the competition.The travel agency appears to have challenges with the employees and the HR department. There are no goals or structure for the employees to rely on, and no goals to achieve. There are six major functions of HR that are needed to be implementing in order for the change to begin in the Travel agency. According to Byars and Rue (2008) The Society for H uman Resource Management (SHRM) has identified six major functions of human resource management: 1. Human resource planning, recruitment, and selection. 2. Human resource development. 3.Compensation and benefits. 4. Safety and health. 5. Employee and labor relations. 6. Human resource research. (Byars & Rue, 2008). The HR department can start to outline a plan if HR, management and the employees all have clear communication and direction of what the HR department is for and how they assist the company and the employees. The challenges that the HR department will face is using, HRP (Human resource Planning), to align the company’s overall strategic plan with the appropriate employees in place to achieve this goal.According to Byars and Rue (2008) Human resource planning (HRP), also referred to as workforce planning or personnel planning has been defined as the process of â€Å"getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time. HRP involves appl ying the basic planning process to the human resource needs of the organization. To be effective, any human resource plan must be derived from the strategic and operational plans of the organization.In essence, the success of HRP depends largely on how closely the human resource department can integrate effective people planning with the organization's business planning process. 5 Unfortunately, HRP is often inadequately tied to overall corporate planning. (Byars ; Rue, 2008). There are four statistical modeling techniques that can be used by the HR department to forecast the needs that the agency will need. The can use time-series analysis, personnel ratios, productivity ratios and the regression analysis.Another technique that can be used is benchmarking, â€Å"benchmarking involves thoroughly examining internal practices and procedures and measuring them against the ways other successful organizations operate. ’ Byars and Rue (2008). In order to meet the Demands of the co mpany and put a solid plan into place, a skills inventory should be completed to see what types of employees the company has and their skill sets to determine future training and advancement opportunities. A skills inventory consolidates information about the organization's human resources.It provides basic information on all employees, including, in its simplest form, a list of the names, certain characteristics, and skills of employees. Because the information from a skills inventory is used as input into promotion and transfer decisions, it should contain information about each employee's portfolio of skills, not just those relevant to the employee's current job. (Byars & Rue, 2008). The next step will be metric for the HR department to gather data that can be used to show the senior management areas of improvement, or areas that need a deeper focus.These metrics can show where the company spends the most of their time and money along with, areas of the company or departments tha t do not meet the desired metric goals. Metrics can show productivity based on a set desired goal for the companies employees. Metrics refers to any set of quantitative measures to assess workforce performance. Examples of metrics that HR might use include such things as analysis of the cost per hire, average length of time to fill a position, training cost per employee, turnover cost per employee, and new-hire performance by recruiting strategy. Byars & Rue, 2008). The reason that metrics are so important to the decision making of the senior staff is that they provide a starting point for the company to see where they need to start their focus for change. Being able to evaluate an employee’s performance will help coach and mentor the employee. Metrics provide real numbers that can show areas were training is needed to get the employees to a desired output or percentage goal. Communication of the desired results or a t new strategic plan can be tricky, especially to a skeptic al bunch that has really had no definition or goals in place.They are going to want to know what is in it for them. Communication is the key to ensure understanding. The whys must be answered, why this necessary, why are we doing this what is in it for me. In order to communicate these new changes all of these must be answered. The goal is to let the employees to know what HR does and what will be changing, for instance career planning, development and training. This will be to ensure that all employees have or will have the knowledge and skills to perform to the level that the company wants their employees to be at.Letting the employees know that they are here to assist them in getting to where they want to be, while providing them an outline of career path and training to keep them interested. Where there is room for advancement there is room for recruiting new staff member with skills to help the company grow. When it comes to recruiting, there are several methods that can be use d. Using internal sources at first, the organization will keep moral up as they seek already trained and qualified personnel.Another method is reaching outside the organization to bring in new talent with other perspectives and fresh ideas to bring to the team. â€Å"Organizations have at their disposal a wide range of external sources for recruiting personnel. External recruiting is needed in organizations that are growing rapidly or have a large demand for technical, skilled, or managerial employees. † (Byars & Rue, 2008). The external sources bring all types of employees plus they bring a wider skill set to choose from. Other sources include using job boards, advertising, web sites, job placement agencies, employee referrals and walk- ins.When it comes to the selection process there are things that need to be looked at, what exactly is the company in need of, where do they want to go, where have past internal and external employees gone within the company. Use the metrics to see what has panned out in the past. In conclusion the travel agency has been lacking clear direction for future growth. In order to grow and to achieve success, the HR department and management need to determine how to incorporate the strategic plan and goals of the company into the HRP.The HRP will then create goals, training and structure for growth in the company by determining what the company has in terms of employees and their skills. By determining the skills of employees then HR and management can determine the new metrics based off of the old ones and by using the metrics they can determine what changes need to be made first. By determining where the company is lacking in production will the help senior management determine what types of employees are needed for future success. References Byars, L. L. , & Rue, L. W. (2008). Human resource Management (9th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Heroic essay Essay

â€Å"A mother’s happiness is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the  past in the guise of fond memories.† The most important and beautiful person in everyone’s  world is our moms. They are the one who carry us for about 10 months without any sighs or  complaints. Most moms do their best to be a great role model for their children, or even others;  however, some of them can give up so easily that they leave their family scarred for life. My  mom also belongs to one of these strong, compassionate and understanding moms. She is a  inspiring hero in my life because she is supportive for other family members, and is determined  for our family to become the best mother.  My mother illustrated her protection as a best assistance through her life to family  members. Especially for me, I was first-born child for her so that she abetted me anytime and  anywhere I went. For example, when I was in the kindergarten, she left a post-it note on the back  seat of my bicycle every day. She always used to say that â€Å"No matter what bad things happen to  you, I always believe that you can handle it because you are my son. I love you.† My mom wrote  this kind of letter differently every day. It was so shameful at first that I hid it as soon as I  noticed that there is a tiny yellow paper on the seat. I did not understand why she wrote this  especially only for me. After she left our family, I started to realize that how important these  post-it notes were. Although she was not always there for me, and sometimes scolded me, she  supported, encouraged and took cafà © of me anywhere I went, and anything I did. According to  her last post-it which was 26 days before she left, â€Å"I know you have become much mature now,  but I am not really sure about your inside. Don’t you have to run diligently for the future as there  have been some delays in your life? You should know that finding out your goal is always first. I  believe you, and hope you can think and behave more independently.†Ã‚  My mother was the only person I know who did not give up anything she started or  decided, and sacrificed her life for other family members. My mom used to keep doing  something secretly as the way how my grandma did although there was an obstacle ahead. For  instance, she did not tell anyone that she became more illness because she was concerned that  anyone who knew about this would waste of his time worrying about her; she wished that she  did not want to be others’ obstacles. While my mom was staying at Korea to cure her illness, she  once said, â€Å"Do never waste your time tearing because of me. This is my life I chose, and have to  bear. Even though something worse occurs to me, you just have to ignore it and keep moving for  your future.† I could not give up for her as my mom did not give up receiving treatments for  cancer in Korean, although it caused losing her weight a lot, and made her worse, This was a  huge hindrance for my family because if my mom was not able to come to Canada again, we  would not receive our PR, and live here anymore. However, ignoring what her doctor’s saying,  she came back for us to maintain our life in Canada. We all knew that she would not live longer  than at least a year. However, her life was not that long. My mom was determined after she had  morphine in the hospice. She fell asleep so deeply that she could not move and talk. About a few  minutes before she died, my mother tried as hard as she could to open her eyes; at last, she did  not open them, but what only she could at that time was crying. Only my family recognized her  tear and perseverance which probably she desired to show us even until the end. We had to say,  although she was determined, and did not want leave us, â€Å"You can go now. We will not bother  you anymore; we have seen that you do not want to give up even now. You just have to rest in  peace. Thank you for everything you have done so far. You were determined enough to become  the best mother in the world.† After we said this, she started to give up her life as she did not  want to be an obstacle for our family.  . Can all mothers overcome this circumstance and assist others as what my mother did?  Most moms probably are able to be supportive to their family members and perseverance on  what they have to face. My mom was not only a mother to our family but she also became the  best mother as she showed us her encouragement, support to others and determination what she  wished to be done. My mother illustrated how much she could help and believe in me no matter  what happens between us; moreover, my mom did not give up what she started although any  hindrances, which seemed painful, challenging and complicated, occurred to her. Therefore, my  mom is my hero who inspired me as she was abetting and determined.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Persuasive Writing Assignment Essay

Rebellion is when one refuses to accept authority. The transition of childhood into adulthood is most often represented by actions of rebellious nature. The average teen is always looking for away to escape conformity. Two pieces of work that express a common theme of rebellion and conformity are, The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and the movie Conspiracy Theory starting Mel Gibson and Julia Roberts. Both pieces express this common theme of rebellious and conformity in a society that simply won’t allow it. In the novel The Catcher in the Rye the main character, Holden Caulfield, goes through many hardships in trying to search for his place in society. Holden rebels throughout the whole book against rules, schools, and people that he encountered. An example of Holden’s external conflict with conformity was on his date with Sally. At the end of their date, Holden shares a dream of running away with her to escape the normalcy in everyday society, â€Å"I have about a hundred and eighty bucks in the bank. I can take it out when it opens in the morning, and then I could go down and get this guy’s car. No kidding. We’ll stay in these cabin camps and stuff like that till the dough runs out,† (Page 132). How the movie Conspiracy Theory is related to The Catcher in the Rye, is that the movie’s main character Jerry Fletcher is a New York City Taxi driver who is always telling people that a list events trigged in the world are done by Government conspiracies but he never seems to get anywhere with his theories. However one of the conspiracies comes true and the CIA is trying to shut Jerry up before he does anymore damage. Now the reason why these two are connected is because, in both cases each character are trying to achieve being different and don’t want to be tied down by what other people tell them to do. In Jerry’s case he is trying to tell the truth about these theories to the general public and try to raise awareness about it before it’s too late. In Holden’s case, he feels that he needs to escape this sort of normalcy that exists in his society. The example of running away and living in the country has everything to do with conformity. The external conflict that both characters face have to do with making sure they don’t fall into the trap that society has set out of them and to try and achieve the impossible in a impossible world. Both Jerry and Holden always fee that they are being alienated in society and both are trying to find a purpose in life.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Harriet Jacobs

â€Å"The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living from the dead† (Power 1), Aristotle knew the importance of education; especially literacy. Literacy is what stood between the slaves and the slaves owners. However, some of the enslaved were fortunate enough to possess more intelligence than their owners knew. Harriet Jacobs is one of the few that shared the knowledge of literacy and she knew the power that this held. She used this as her driving force to push through all of the hardships a slave had to endure on a daily basis. Jacobs account in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl truly depict the power of literacy.As a young girl Jacobs learns of her fate to come. â€Å"When I was six years old, my mother died; and then, for the first time, I learned, by the talk around me, that I was a slave† (Jacobs 10). Jacobs blesses her first mistress, Margaret Horniblow, for teaching her to read and spell. From this early age Jacobs begins to see that language and reality are intertwined. Through this interconnected thinking Jacobs discovers how to decode both the word and the world. This causes bitterness towards her mistress Margaret, when she teaches her the bible. â€Å"My mistress had taught me the percepts of God’s word: ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. ‘Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them. ’ But I was her slave, and I suppose she did not recognize me as her neighbor† (Jacobs). Jacobs realizes that her mistress does not view her as her neighbor and in turn doesn’t view her as a human being. The hypocrisy shown to her through the bible infuriates Jacobs. This leads Jacobs to question literacy as a possible pathway to freedom, however, Jacobs ability to read and write never sets her free. â€Å"Education makes people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave† (Power 1).Henry Peter, Lord Brougham explain th is in â€Å"The Present State of the Law†; this statement holds true to the way slave owners held their power over the Slaves. Unlike the biblical reading Jacobs reads with her mistress, the slave owners would warp Christ’s word to make slaves believe that their enslavement was warranted by God. These twisted passages would be read orally by the slave owners. Jacob’s now notices how language can be abused and used against her fellow slaves. As a testament to Jacobs eye opening experiences, Harryette Mullen uncovers the oral abuse slaves endured.This was necessary through the slave owners eyes because they were afraid of rioting and runaway slaves. There plantations depended on the slaves labour, so they needed to make it very clear tot their slaves that whites were of a higher society. â€Å"If institutionalized illiteracy was intended to exempt African Americans from access to or participation in the discursive formations of bourgeois society, then to the exte nt that it succeed, it also left them outside conventional ideological constructions that played a part in determining white identities† (Mullen 256)Along with these biblical reading slave owners also payed special attention to their women slaves. Most of the time female slaves were sexual harassed and raped. Jacobs was a victim of harassment when she lived in Dr. Flint’s household. â€Å"Illiterate slave women operated within a tradition of resistant orality, or verbal self defense, which included speech acts variously labeled sassy or saucy, impudent, impertinent, or insulant: the speech of slaves who refused to know their place, who contested their assigned social and legal inferiority as slaved and as black women† (Mullen 255).Jacobs was put into dozens of inappropriate situations and these became worse when Dr. Flint discovered Jacobs literacy. Dr. Flint send her sexual letters which Jacobs tells him that she cannot read. â€Å"While Harriet Jacob’s literacy was a tremendous source of empowerment, it also exposed her to an even more concentrated dose of the ideology of domesticity than the training she received while living and working in the homes of white women and observing their behavior† (Mullen 260) Quotes I want to use but I’m not sure how. —- Their texts, by focusing on a continuum of resistance to oppression available to the illiterate as well as the literate, tend to stress orality as a presence over illiteracy as an absence† (Mullen 255). â€Å"Harriet Jacob’s narrative, which may be seen as ascribing gender to the generic (male) narrative genre, demonstrates that it is possible to appropriate bourgeois ideology to affirm the humanity of slaves and illiterates-without Douglass’s rhetorical conflation of literacy, freedom, and manhood, which reinforces rather than challenges the symbolic emasculation of the male slave and the silencing of the female slave.Because she associates the slave’s humanity with defiant or subversive speech, resistant behavior, and the ethics of reciprocal relationships, as well as with writing and individual autonomy, Jacobs affirms the humanity of the collectivity of slaves as well as the successful fugitive and literate narrator† (Mullen 261) â€Å"For Jacobs, literacy serves to record for a reading audience a continuity of experience already constructed and preserved within her family through oral accounts† (Mullen 261). â€Å"Only the educated are free† Epictetus (Power 1) â€Å"Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army† Edward Everett (Power 1)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Difference between the Jurisdiction of State of California and the Assignment

Difference between the Jurisdiction of State of California and the Federal Court System - Assignment Example National security policy revolves around the major national security issues and concerns of the United States. This also emphasizes on how well the administration can implement the policy and how well they can plan out to deal with the issues addressing national security of the United States. In short, National Security is a legal document that deals with the strategies and policies; reviewed periodically by the executive bodies of the United States Government in order to preserve the national peace, security, and defense of the country. In recent years after the incident of 9/11, the United States’ National security Policy has faced many changes due to different reasons such as the rise and threats of terrorism that has struck the security of the entire nation, emergence of new allies in the war against terrorism, dealing with political and economic security. The main objective of the national security policy of the United States is to safeguard the rights, security and to maintain the legitimate interests of its citizens against any threat either affected by the internal factors or the external ones. The idea of national security became an official imperative point of the United States foreign policy when U. S president Harry S. Truman signed on National Security Act of 1947 on July 26th, 1947. The key elements of national security policy are military, politics, economics, energy, natural resources, society and diplomacy that are believed to be the core of the policy (Davis: 2010). Executive bodies play an important role in structuring the basics of US foreign policy but at the same time there are some other players are also involved, those who affect directly the policy besides the power of US President.  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Black and the Blues Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Black and the Blues - Research Paper Example † which depicts the distinct difference between their personality and insights can be considered as the focal points of the story. Truly in the trajectory of life, people are pushed and weathered with numerous battles either economically, personally, socially, or conflicts within the family. Through these most who prefer to stay on the safe side, surrender and be submissive to what is dictated by the society as they deem that this is a more practical and rational path to take. For the other free spirits, they opt to follow their dreams no matter how surreal the idea may seem yet for them it is something worth believing and following. Baldwin’s story though written in 1957 depicted a crucial message on bitter realities within the society which strongly affected him and the black community of his time and still somewhat remained unchanged in some parts of the world today. The story focused on the narration of an algebra teacher in Harlem who struggled to earn and maintain a middle class status and keep his wife and kids on a safe part of the society; and his antonym relationship with his brother Sonny, a man who elected to navigate the road less traveled and pursued to become a jazz pianist though ended up behind bars from possession and addiction to heroin. Trimmer and Urbana (p.165) discussed that the differences between the brothers represent the division within the black community where the narrator represents the middle class men who strives to live the American dream and aspires for an improved standard of living in the United States; while the other group, as represented by Sonny, are those who just accept the fact that they will forever be locked up from the privileges the white people savor. Take note that the setting happened on a post war as the narrator cited his military service to the US government. It is an era where people, particularly the blacks, are rallying for equality and their war against racism. The narrator tried to understan d his brother and struggled to reach out to find answers to his questions though remained blindly to accept the truthful answers. The story reminds us on the importance of listening and true understanding in every form of relationship and in using these rather than coercion or rigid authority. There was a scene in the story, after their mother’s funeral, when they discussed the future of the teenage Sonny. There was tension between the brothers as Sonny declared that he wants to be a jazz musician while the older brother sees that dream to be irrational. This scene together with the one when he offers his wife Isabel’s place to be Sonny’s home manifests the narrator’s sense of responsibility to his younger brother’s welfare. Throughout the story, issues on racism and inequality were strongly reflected. During his time there was strong discrimination for the black people in the racist America. On strong reflection of Baldwin’s personal strugg le is the part of the story where the narrator recollects the death of their uncle who was driven over by a group of drunken white Americans and recklessly left the carcass on the street. Depression from racism was not confined to the character’s family but it extends to the entire black community during that time (Reilly 56). Baldwin succeeded in

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Roles and Responsibilities Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Roles and Responsibilities Paper - Essay Example nager, whose functions encompass planning, directing, organizing and controlling all security and safety personnel in the organization, the specific roles and responsibilities of these personnel mirror the general tasks of security and safety management. It is therefore objective of this paper to present the roles and responsibilities of a security and safety personnel in promoting and protecting the health, welfare, and assets of the organization as a whole. Security and safety personnel are enjoined to be vigilant in identifying, addressing and raising safety and security concerns to appropriate and authorized channels in the organization. Their ineptness in providing immediate action in detecting any kind of intrusion is of primary concern. Among their specific responsibilities are as follows: The role and responsibilities of security and safety personnel ensures the prevention of harm and damage to the resources of the organization. By monitoring all phases of the organization in terms of adherence to security and safety requirements, the overall health and welfare of the organization would be addressed. The organization has the basic responsibility of ensuring that safety and security needs of the personnel are being satisfied. This means their personnel should be free from physical and psychological harm, threat and deprivation. Aside from these, as systems and processes are also susceptible to other kinds of intrusion due to the onset of the internet, security management also has the task to monitor and immediately address these issues. In today’s world of advanced developments in technology, more sophisticated facilities and features on improving security and safety of personnel are available. The onset of biometrics technology provides organizations with options to update their security measures by upgrading their security system to incorporate biometrics. In cases like these, the role of security and safety personnel would definitely be affected.

Andrew Jackson's Presidency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Andrew Jackson's Presidency - Essay Example The native Indian Americans faced one of their toughest times during his presidency, considering that he had embarked on a mission to dispossess the Native Americans of their land from the East of the Mississippi river to relocate them to the west, and this is a decision that he acted on most swiftly and decisively (Benson, 22). Thus, by the end of his term in presidency, he had managed to displace the natives from their motherland, to present day Oklahoma, through a forceful eviction that eventually came to be known as the ‘Trail of tear’ (Heckscher, n.p.). Secondly, Andrew Jackson’s policies were responsible for an economic meltdown in the United States and restricted economic growth for the country, since he adopted economic policies that were fundamentally flawed such as the closure of the Second Bank of the United States, eventually leading the country to a future economic crisis (Buchanan, 165). Thirdly, Andrew Jackson’s political actions were unjust, unconstitutional and created strains between the federal government and the states they presided over, thus leading to a political discontent in the country, at a time when peace was the most important thing in the country, having moved out of previous wars and conflicts that had threatened to completely tear the country apart. Therefore, in a nutshell, Andrew Jackson’s presidency was a cancer on the United States, and prevented the federal government from growing as a whole, during his time in office. Analysis of Andrew Jackson's Presidency The most memorable and horrific aspect of Andrew Jackson’s presidency was his treatment of the Native Americans. President Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act (1830), which then gave the president powers to negotiate the removal treaties with Indian nations, by transferring them from the regions they previously inhabited as their homeland, through legalizing the transfers and providing for the funding of the transfer proc ess (Buchanan, 166). This move has largely been termed by the human right commentators as amounting to ethnic cleansing, through dispossessing the native Indians of their motherland in the East of Mississippi, and transferring them forcefully to the western side; the present day Oklahoma (Andrew Jackson, n.p.). While the passage of the Removal Act was meant to be a channel through which peaceful treaties would be entered into, between the Indian Nations and the federal government, Andrew Jackson resulted to the forceful eviction of the Natives, after it became clear that they were not willing to give up their ancestral lands (Cole, 72). The forceful eviction was extremely dehumanizing, especially since President Andrew Jackson Sent 7,000-armed troops specifically to remove the Cherokee tribe, which had proved to be a bit more resistant in signing a transfer treaty that would displace them from their motherland (Benson, 27). This move was extremely bad, considering that the only reas on President Jackson implemented the forceful transfer of the Natives, was to have the white settlers expand their farms, so that their cotton farming and slave economy would continue to flourish, at the expense of the comfort of the Natives, who were not seen to contribute much

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Genogram Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genogram - Essay Example I became overweight as a child and still as an adult. However, my weight never impaired my abilities to function as I have always had many friends. My aunts and uncles on my father’s side exhibit symptoms of poor diet and low activity. Perhaps learning this behavior was modeling others in my family. Yet I have always considered myself to be a happy individual. This pattern was not something I notice until I performed a geneogram. My sister and I both had our first child at a young age. I believe genetics placed an increase stress on both of our pregnancies. My mother, sister and I all carry the gene that is associated with the development of sickle cell. My mother currently suffers from this disease. Knowing that this disease is present in the primarily females in my family brought an increased stress on both mine and my sister’s pregnancies. My niece was later born suffering from sickle cell. My maternal grandparent’s first child died shortly after birth. However, the cause of death was never quite known in full. In further my stress levels were elevated during pregnancy as I had began my second year of college. During this time period I was told that my daughter suffered from Down syndrome. This was concluded through an ultrasound. Due to my religious background I decided that I would not participate in an amniocentesis test or terminate my pregnancy as this is what the doctor advised. A mira culous blessing occurred when I delivered my son via c-section to discover that he did not have down-syndrome, or any form of a disorder. Instead I had a healthy baby that was perhaps the greatest blessing in my life. Perhaps I am most thankful for the religious upbringing my family provided me. If it were not for these religious beliefs I may not have had the greatest blessing in my life, my son. Further examination of my geneogram demonstrates the strong genetic tendencies towards diabetes exhibited in my paternal genetic composition. The genetic tendencies

Monday, September 9, 2019

Exploratory Methods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exploratory Methods - Research Paper Example Exploratory research is also known as unstructured or informal form of research. This is generally done for conducting a background study of the research. The nature of the research keeps changing as the researcher uncovers the different aspects of the research area. In exploratory method of research no well-defined objective, sampling plan or questionnaire is prepared for collecting data. Generally secondary sources of data are concluded in this form of research (Parasuraman, Grewal & Krishnan, 2007, p. 57). The exploratory research method is applicable in: a) Gaining the information regarding the background of the study. It is used when the researcher has very little information about the problem and the problem statement of the research could not be appropriately formulated. It becomes necessary for the reader to develop a background analysis to see the larger picture of the situation, b) It is used to measure the terms and concepts to be used in the research, and c) The hypothesi s and the problem areas can be clarified through exploratory research (Burns, & Bush, 2007, p. 57). Case Study The intensive analysis of any individual unit is called case study. It mainly stresses the developmental factors in relation to the given context. It may be descriptive or exploratory. Case study is used in exploratory research to find the causes so as to find relevant answers for the stated principles. The case study may be prospective one or a retrospective one. The case is the subject, which is discussed on the basis of a particular organization, issue or problem. Case study is also denoted as research study as it gives us an empirical analysis of the phenomenon in real-life situations. Case study is generally formulated to answer the research questions. The research problem is first carefully formulated and then answers are found based on the research conducted by the researcher. The answers derived from the research is explained or interpreted by the researcher with th e help of a real-life situation. The theories used while deriving the solution are utilized and a case is formulated to present the practical problem situations and strategies that were used to solve them. The type of research question defines the type of case study to be formed. Case studies help to find the bottle necks and ways to reach the solutions. It also enables the researcher to monitor the changes. Psychobiography The term psychobiography means analyzing the importance of lives by using the psychological theories and conducting research. The aim of this type of research is to unearth the public motives behind a particular activity or behavior. Psychobiographical research does not involve any form of standardized format. It generally depends on the subject, the researcher and various other aspects. It is actually considered as a qualitative form of research technique. This method of conducting research is generally used for celebrities, outstanding personalities or leaders. Psychobiographical research provides an in-depth analysis to the researcher regarding the behavior of the person and the reason behind such behavior. This methodology was actually invented by Sigmund Freud. It deals with unfolding the personality and psychology of an individual. This method is use in form of qualitative research technique because it deals with human behavior, psychology and emotions. It is also used to explore

Sunday, September 8, 2019

STAT Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

STAT - Speech or Presentation Example The mean credit card debt among households in one state is $8400. A hypothesis test is to be performed to decide whether the mean credit card debt for households in the formerly affluent town of Rich-No-More differs from the mean credit card debt for the state At one school, in 2005, the average amount of time that tenth-graders spent watching television each week was 21.6 hours. The principal introduced a campaign to encourage the students to watch less television. One year later, in 2006, the principal performed a hypothesis test to determine whether the average amount of time spent watching television per week had decreased. The hypotheses are: A correct decision would occur if, in fact, ÃŽ ¼ = 21.6 hours, and the results of the sampling do not lead to rejection of that fact; or if, in fact, ÃŽ ¼ A correct decision would occur if, in fact, ÃŽ ¼ = 21.6 hours, and the results of the sampling do not lead to rejection of that fact; or if, in fact, ÃŽ ¼ A correct decision would occur if, in fact, ÃŽ ¼ = 21.6 hours, and the results of the sampling lead to rejection of the null hypothesis; or if, in fact, ÃŽ ¼ A sample mean, sample size, and population standard deviation are given. Use the one-mean z-test to perform the required hypothesis test about the mean, ÃŽ ¼, of the population from which the sample was drawn. A researcher wishes to estimate the proportion of people within a certain population who are in favor of a national health care system. Obtain a sample size that will ensure a margin of error of at most 0.01 for a 95% confidence interval. A nationwide study of American homeowners revealed that 65% have one or more lawn mowers. A lawn equipment